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About Us

Negril, Inc. specializes in providing quality care and support for individuals with intellectual disabilities, (mental retardation, or dually diagnosed with mental illness) whose desire is to remain in their homes or in a small unique group home with a home-like atmosphere. Whether residing in their family home or our group home each individual will receive services based on their particular needs. We provide individualized training, assistance, support and supervision that enhance the quality of the individual’s life and reflect the care of the Negril team. Negril group homes provide 24-hour staff support, whereas the In-Home support is based on the specific hours the individual requires in order to be successful in their private homes. Negril also provides an exceptional Day Support Program that offers structured learning, social and recreational activities that utilizes resources in the Danville and surrounding communities.

Our Organization

About Our Organization

Our service was originally formed in 1999 as RC Right Home(s). RC Right, a Mental Retardation group home providing residential service that included a respite track, for adults. RC Right Home(s) was founded by two brothers, Robert and Kirby Wright with the purpose of providing fastidious care to people age 18 and over who had been diagnosed with mild to severe mental retardation and /or have physical limitations; who desired to live in a small homelike environment. After being approached by so many families that were concerned that the Danville and Pittsylvania County area offered limited choices and resources for this special needs population, Kirby decided to expand to Day Support and In-Homes services. Robert came back from what he felt was the most “caring, relaxing and tranquil” place he had ever visited felt that our new expansion should offer the same type of atmosphere; therefore, they decided to change RC Right to Negril and add the current services.

Negril is a Medicaid Waiver Provider offering:

  • Day Support Services
  • Group Home Residential Services
  • In-Home Support Services
  • Respite Support Services


Negril is licensed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.

Negril is:

  • A Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disability) Group Home residential services including a respite track, for adults.
  • A Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disability) and Mental Health supportive In-Home service for persons with Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disability), with an in-home and out-of- home respite track.
  • A Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disability) and Mental Health day support service for adult persons with Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disability).
Our Mission

Mission Statement

Negril’s mission is to provide the highest quality of compassionate and comprehensive services to individuals who have a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability and/or have been diagnosed with other mental or physical disabilities and limitations.

Negril will provide services to individuals who reside in the City of Danville and Pittsylvania County ages 18 and over who have a desire to live in a small unique Group home with a family like atmosphere, or individuals who choose to remain in their private or rented homes, separately or with their families. Negril individuals will be offered the choice to participate in community or center based day programming. The Individual that chooses Negril services will receive the highest level of person centered support with the opportunity for self-expression and personal diversity. Support and structured learning activities will be provided in the least restrictive environment at all times. Negril maintains a staff of professionals that are concerned, dedicated, caring people committed to this mission and to providing the greatest possible care to each individual.

© 2025 Negril, Inc.